Sending Private Transactions on Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
As a user of the Ethereum blockchain, you may be familiar with its native flashbot mechanism to avoid sending transactions directly to the mempool. However, if you want to take your private transactions offline and avoid these issues, you can explore alternative solutions on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). In this article, we will cover how to send private transactions on the BSC chain.
Understanding Flashbots
Before we dive into the solution, let’s quickly review what flashbots are. Flashbots are a mechanism that allows users to send their transactions without being blocked from sending them directly to the mempool. By sending a “batch” of transactions together, users can bypass the normal transaction validation process and send large amounts of data in a single batch.
Private Transactions on BSC Chain
Binance Smart Chain (BSC) was designed with private transactions in mind. To send private transactions on BSC, you will need to use a combination of tools and techniques. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
1. Set up your wallet
To start sending private transactions on BSC, you’ll need to set up a wallet that supports the Solana (SOL) standard, which is commonly used for BSC transactions. You can download and install the Solana Wallet app or use an existing wallet.
2. Choose a transaction pool provider
A transaction pool provider (TPP) is responsible for managing your private transactions on BSC. Look for TPPs that support SOL (BSC) and have a good reputation. Some popular options include:
: A blockchain solutions and analytics provider that offers private transaction management.
- Solana Finance (SOLF): A Solana-based liquidity protocol that also supports private transactions.
3. Set up your TPP**
Once you’ve chosen a TPP, follow the setup instructions to create an account and connect it to your wallet. You may be asked to provide some basic information about yourself and your wallet.
4. Create the batch file
A batch file is used to send multiple transactions together to the BSC mempool in a single transaction. Here’s an example of what a batch file might look like:
"batch": {
“transactions”: [
"txid": "0x1234567890abcdef",
"from": "0xYourWalletAddress",
"to": "0xOtherWalletAddress"
"thid": "0xghijklmno.pqr",
"from": "0xAnotherWalletAddress",
"to": "0xsdfghjiklmnopq"
This batch file sends two transactions together, using the address 0x
as the sender and recipient.
5. Submit your batch
Once you have created your batch file, submit it to the BSC mempool using the TPP API or web interface.
Example Use Cases
Let’s say you want to submit a private transaction on BSC with two recipients: 0xYourWalletAddress
and 0xOtherWalletAddress
. You can create a batch file like this:
"batch": {
“transactions”: [
"txid": "0x1234567890abcdef",
"from": "0xYourWalletAddress",
"to": "0xOtherWalletAddress"
"thid": "0xghijklmno.pqr",
"from": "0xAnotherWalletAddress",
"to": "0xsdfghjiklmnopq"
You can then upload this batch file to the BSC mempool using your TPP’s API or web interface.
Sending private transactions on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is possible with the right tools and techniques.